Thursday, July 16, 2009

Truth of the Matter

As I sit here on the 16th of July 2009 reviewing some of the current events, I am going to share the "truth of the matter" like:

1) The media is so powerful they can fool people into believing things that are NOT true, the truth of the matter is that, as lovely a woman that Beyonce Knowles (Carter) is, she CANNOT sing. So many people are gassed up to see her and pay their (or someone else's) hard earned money for her concert. It really puzzles me.

2) While being an elected official is an honor and a privledge it comes with a lot of responsibility, the truth of the matter is, it SUCKS when you make decisions that effect people whose salaries more than double yours, in some cases....triple!

2b) Which leads me to this...since when did it become about anything else but the children? Truth of the matter is, people don't care, how do I know this? Because the very people that work in the neighborhood, will not allow their children to go to school in the very area that pays you an exorbitant amount of money, Whisket Tango Foxtrot is wrong with this picture?

3) Monica Conyers had "Kwame Kilpatrick Syndrome" squared. First of all, she was elected on her name (trust me, I have room to talk on this one...LOL) and she made a circus of the city council. However, more than that she probably thought that she was untouchable because of who her husband is. Truth of the matter is, let me say this so that you all understand where I am coming from....(clearing my throat)

If you break a federal law, the feds WILL GET YOU!

flat out, plain and simple.

4) What is the fascination with Sasha Baron whatshisname (Bruno and other ridiculous characters)? Truth of the matter is, his success is a reflection of how society is going to hell in a handbasket. Well he will not get ANY of my money, I guarentee it!

5) People are just stupid. I just have to be honest, truth of the matter is, if you dont have anything, dont put your mouth on someone who is working their behind off to provide for their family while you are a ward of the state, and my taxes are feeding your trifilng @$$!!!

6) In spite of everything GOD still loves us and HIS love is eternal and forgiveness is always available. Truth of the matter is, HIS mercy is new every morning and thank GOD because we are all human...

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